
Side Entry Takeout System

Supreme performance for high throughput injection Molding
with integrated AOI

Flexible Multi-product production w/ change over kit

Scalable from 2 to 128 Cavity Molds

Compact Footprint
as low as 9 sqm

Technical Availability
up to 100%

Low lifecycle

30% less
Energy Consumption

Best-in-Class AOI

On-the-fly Inspection
for Guaranteed Quality

Our goal is to reliably capture and analyze defects with the highest measurement system analysis (MSA) scores in the industry ‘on-the-fly’. Avoiding part transfer, maintaining low cycle times.

CORVI Focus and Flex

Configured for
your needs

CORVI Focus and Flex platforms with integrated tilt, demolding stroke, double EOAT are flexible for any kind of application and adaptable for future needs.

Keeps on running


Our high throughput production systems are deployed all over the world with integrated vision systems, low vibration. Designed to produce precise, delicate parts with high technical availability, often 100%!

Linear Motion Technology

Low wear, Low Maintenance:
Lower lifecycle costs

German engineered with quality components for long life, high output in a small footprint. Our solutions offer the best ROI for your production needs.

Reach Out

Contact our sales team for more information

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